Monday, November 8, 2021

Earthquakes and volcanoes

 In Te Maunga we did earthquakes and volcanoes. We did a google drawing to talk about  a volcanic eruption or an earthquake (I chose the volcano eruption). We learnt about earthquakes and volcanoes I learnt that a volcano is a vent, or hole, that leads far into Earth. It runs down to the magma found deep in the Earth's crust in the mantle. Magma is a mixture of molten rocks and gases that has not reached the Earth's surface. These rocks and gases are very hot. Sometimes, magma is pushed up into spaces in Earth's crust called magma chambers. There, the magma bubbles and plops inside these chambers like thick soup in a pot and I also learnt Earthquakes happen when two large pieces of the earth's crust slips to cause shock waves to shake the earth in the form of an earthquake. My favourite thing to learn was about the volcanoes.

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